Dragon Bonus Or Panda 8 – Which One Should You Choose

Dragon Bonus Or Panda 8

The fame of Baccarat has a few side bets. Panda 8 and Dragon Bonus are some of the most popular wagers in this game, and this page will tell you which one you should choose. 

Some of the tables of Baccarat are signified completely by when they feature any of the side bets. For instance, you could also see the game listed as the Dragon bonus Baccarat. 

You would find them entertaining since they both offer a large payout. However, which of the two is superior wager is a big question for all. 

Certain Basics Describe Both In The Best Way Possible

How does Dragon Bonus work? The Dragon Bonus bet hinges on one of the two, i.e., the player or the banker’s hand winning by a specific amount. You may choose any of the two hands while placing the best.

Dragon Bonus Side Bet

This side bet mainly pays 40:1 when the banker’s hand is 3 cards winning 7, or else it loses. This combinatorial analysis for the Dragon Bonus bet shows that the house edge for the Dragon Bonus side bet is about 7.611%. 

Panda 8 Side Bet

The story of Panda 8 bet isn’t so attractive. The Panda 8 side bet mainly pays 25:1 when the player’s hand is a winning 3:8, or it loses. 

This side bet pays about 40:1 when the banker’s hand wins with 3 cards, and the total score is 7. Typically, it’s the average house benefit of approximately 7.6%. Instead, we would only use this card-counting strategy to make a bet while we know it is profitable. 

Since all the Baccarat games generally use the shoes of 8 decks, it simplifies card counting as you don’t need to learn different points or do anything specific outside card values. Also, learning about the card’s values becomes significantly easier for counting cards. 

Which One is Better?

As an answer to the original question of if Dragon Bonus or Panda 8 is better, the former is always superior, provided that the player bets on the player’s side. The player’s hand features about 97.35% of RTP in the best. 

Meanwhile, Panda 8 needs to be overlooked because of the payback of 89.82%. Not even a 25:1 payout in the game makes it worthwhile. It makes this option a preferable choice for winning the game.

While looking for the Baccarat side bets, the lucky bonus wager may also be considered. The RTP of 97.36% also outdoes the Dragon Bonus player through the hair. 

No wagers outperform bankers with an RTP of 98.94% and players with an RTP of 98.76% long term. Still, you may consider the side wagers just for spicing up your game when you play online Baccarat. Choosing one of the two may help you make the game more interesting and may even help you win.

By Archie

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